Wednesday, September 23, 2009

five points?

I think I should get five points for blogging before another week went by. What the points are for, I'm not sure. But it could be a fun game.

Even though I have been fighting a loosing battle with this cold, these past few days have been eventful.(Sleeping in between homework sessions does count as an event in my book). Saturday afternoon Petur picked me up and took me to see Sigur Rós (along with others)perform their take on an old Icelandic saga poem called Hrafnagaldur Óðins(Odin's Raven magic). It was really cool because they played these stones like a Xylophone. That is 3/4 of Sigur Rós in the picture above. If you don't know who they are, they are the hottest music band that has come out of Iceland. They perform all over the world so it was a big deal that I actually got to see them in Iceland. It was all in Icelandic so I understood nothing, but we got to sit in the front row and Petur just told me that we are in the paper! I haven't seen it yet but I plan on walking around the city until I find my face. After that Petur showed me the "ghetto" of Reykjavik, which was a grouping of apartments. It didn't seem very ghetto to me after living on W Foster for almost a year, but every city seems to have a lower-class end and Reykjavik's isn't that bad. Since it was a nice day Petur decided to take me to a few more places. I got to see a newer neighborhood where the houses look very modern, and my favorite was this small waterfall in the city. Petur said that he used to go there and play as a kid. I cannot even begin to imagine the crazy fun adventures he had as a kid there. It looked like it was a hobbit style of Lord of the Rings forest, perfect for kids. Sadly, it's too far away to walk there or I'd totally go back. Our last stop was Hackup because it was American Days there and I wanted to see if they had Mini Wheats (my life has not been the same without that wonderfully nutritious cereal) but sadly they didn't. Mini Wheats must not be big enough to make American Days in Iceland. But we did get candy because Saturday is half off candy day! What is a true Icelandic candy? you may be thinking. Let me tell you, it is lickerish covered in chocolate. The rest of the day I hung out with people in the dorm and went walking around downtown. Saturday night is not as crazy as Friday night but it was still fun.

I paid the price of going out at night the next morning by feeling sicker. Yes, Sunday my bed and I had a few dates. I didn't mind too much because I was in need of solitude anyways. Monday was about the same as Sunday except I went to class and got a ton of homework done! Tuesday was a bit more fun because after classes I went downtown with Charlize, Maggie, and Siri (she is from Denmark) and we shopped/window shopped. I got a new pair of flats, wonderful. I also finally got my mom's package (Thanks mom!) When we got back I went to cook my dinner and the electricity went out on first floor, so Charlize and I took our food up to the third floor to cook. That by far was the best part of my day because I got to talk with Maxine (she is from China) and really got to know her. I love when "hi/bye" relationships become real and meaningful.

Today I woke up feeling refreshed for once (although I still have a cold, we are friends now) and class wasn't as bad as normal. I believe I finally saw this professor show a bit of emotion and passion for literature, which is what I had been missing. OH big news, today in the mail I finally received my Icelandic ID residence permit. It looks a bit like our drivers licenses with a smaller picture. I can't read it because it is in Icelandic but says the day it was printed on it (18 September, 2009) and on top of that says 1 Februar 2010 so I am a resident till Febuary? Cool, but I'll be leaving before that.

I have to get to Icelandic Culture class. But thanks for reading friends. love love love you!

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