Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Third Week of Senior Life

What a wonderful morning. I have spent close to the last hour sitting in my bed drinking chi tea, listening to Icelandic music and the thunderstorm outside, while writing. This is my kind of ideal morning indeed.

I'd like to share with my readers the one thing I understand (so far) from my Philosophy class. It has to do with community living and freedom. (I do believe that the reason why I understand this only concept is because I can apply it to life). Freedom is not doing whatever I want and or being rational. No, freedom is when what I want and what the group that I live with/around want match up. That concept may seem simple or obvious but ever since that class the wheels in my brain have been turning. I will be conscious of watching when the wants in my community change and if the freedom of being who I am or what I want become harder to obtain. It's like a fun little social experiment. :]

Speaking of social experiments, last Thursday was the launch of a brand new branch of University Ministries called Tribes. This past week has been full of preparations for the big night. We (my house - official and unofficial - plus other amazing people) have been "clipping" campus with clothes pins advertising Tribes, buying ridiculous things from the thrift store (like a red donkey we named Sally), and spray painting signs. I'd like to pause so I can say I LOVE DOING CRAZY THINGS FOR GOD. Our goal is that everyone on campus knows that something new is going on, and this is just the beginning! There was a good turn out of students from all ages (although we would have liked to have some more seniors) and from what I heard people liked being split up into random groups and the night in general. What I love about being a part of something brand new is that the sky is the limit. There is no expectations of the students about what Tribes should be because Tribes has never happened before. I am excited to see where God takes Tribes. (Just a shameless plug - you can still come out to Tribes if you missed the first week. Everyone is welcome to come and go as they please).

The fact that I am a senior is slowly hitting me in the face ever since yesterdays meeting for the seniors. Please pray for guidance and that I listen to God's voice.

Bless friends.

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